The world is full of people.
Some are good and some are bad.
The difference between them
are the solutions that they had.

Some folks don’t react well
when a problem comes in play.
Others are more practiced
for when trouble comes their way.

The smart ones seem to look at things
with a positive approach.
They listen to advice
from a mentor or a coach.

The sad ones let things stew inside
and pen up all their rage.
They seem to think of life
as if they’re living in a cage.

Solving problems, helping out,
and keeping a cool head,
are keys to lasting happiness
that don’t have to be said.

So cherish any problems
that try to get you down.
Think of them as practice
as you wend your way through town

Tackle problems with a smile
and look for helpful ways.
If you do you’ll always find
a trail of better days.

© 2018 | Story by Cary Snowden | Illustration by Zach Clough | All Rights Reserved. | #lineswithlines

Extras: I’ll add extra comments to this story soon. Stay tuned!… —Cary