Loving math is hard to do
for almost everyone.
It’s hard to keep your focus
on the problem ‘till it’s done.
But “practice makes it easier”
is something few will learn;
getting to be good at math
is something you must earn.
It’s hard and makes you concentrate
and takes a lot of time,
but in the end, it’s worth it all,
to know you’ve reached a prime.
So even though it’s hard to do
and sometimes hurts your brain,
try to be a friend to math;
don’t treat it with disdain.
You’ll be ahead of everyone and
know some things they don’t;
You’ve given up a little time,
to better those who won’t.
© 2018 | Story by Cary Snowden | Illustration by Zach Clough | All Rights Reserved. | #lineswithlines