I saw the moon this morning as it trailed away the night.
Several planets chasing it made quite a wondrous sight.

Venus was her usual self, so bright she stole the show,
while Jupiter impressed us with his bright and shining glow.

Saturn made the evening and stood out above all things,
You’ll have to use a telescope to see it’s stunning rings.

Trailing with the group there was a ruby-sparkling Mars
and Mercury was shining brighter than the other stars.

Neptune also made the show but it was hard to see,
but knowing it was up there was as awesome as can be.

Stay up late and look out West or early to the East,
to fill your head with wonder and enjoy this cosmic feast.

© 2018 | Story by Cary Snowden | Illustration by Zach Clough | All Rights Reserved. | #lineswithlines
