Today is not just any day,
it’s the next step on your way!

It’s one more shot to grab the ring,
make a friend or try some thing.

There’ll be a day when you look back,
and wish you’d gotten on the track

to try a new sport, run a race,
change the world, or keep the pace.

So give yourself an extra push,
don’t just sit down in a bush!

Pick up your feet and get back in,
push yourself until you win.

© 2019 | Story by Cary Snowden | Illustration by Zach Clough | All Rights Reserved.

Extras: Sometimes all you need is just a little extra push to make a goal or finish a task. I wrote this one as a quick lunch note for my kids at school one day. For breakfast, we were all getting off to a slow day and I thought I’d do what I could to share some enthusiasm. —Cary