I was laying in my bed one night
when something gave me quite a fright.

A shadow moved against the wall
that looked like it was ten feet tall!

A creaking noise then raised my hair,
it sounded like it was a stair.

The wind outside was whistling by
and just when I thought I would cry,…

I came to know I’d be OK,
that I would live to see the day.

Those things that made me so upset
were simple things I can forget:

The shadows can’t cause any harm,
the wind is no cause for alarm,

the sounds I hear are not a creep,
and now I can go back to sleep.

© 2018 | Story by Cary Snowden | Illustration by Zach Clough | All Rights Reserved. | #lineswithlines

Extras: I wrote this one night when I was home alone. The wind was picking up and suddenly my imagination was running wild. I took a moment to remind myself that it was just that; my imagination. I grabbed my notepad and spent a few minutes writing down some thoughts and drifted back to sleep. Nothing to worry about; it’s just the wind. …or is it? Mwahahahaha! Just kidding! —Cary