Check out our limited-edition series of 45 NFTs with a story.
Lines with Lines NFTs are now available on OpenSea.io!

The Assignment
Today you're on assignment, I'll tell you what to do: you have to save the planet, and all we have is you. The bad guys have a hostage, and a plan to break things down, they're hiding in a warehouse on the other side of town. They're going to cause some...
A Friendly Walk
Sometimes you might buy a gift to give a friend a mental lift. Or you might sometime think to say a nice thing of their looks one day. However, if you ever dare to show someone you really care, be there in their time of need, and do not judge them of their...
The Stars Are Pretty
The skies are clear. The stars are pretty. We live too close to the city. One of these nights very soon, we should go to see the moon. Away from lights more than a mile, we'll eat s'mores and share a smile. Bring a coat and some warm socks, let's find a...
Three Girls Shopping
Three girls went out shopping to buy clothes for the ball. Each one wanted something to earn a look from all. The first girl bought a gown that trailed the floor behind. She was sure it’s beauty would blow everyone's mind. The second girl bought shoes to...
Sleeping In
Getting up early is good to do at least that's what they all say. But I'm not sure I believe them; it's not how I'm starting my day. My pillow is perfect, my covers are warm and I seem to be nestled just right, I'm sure I'd be willing to get out of bed If...
Time To Get Up
Time to get up and get on your way. Grab life by the horns and seize a new day. Be ready to catch a couple curve balls, and watch for the traps and narrowing walls. Keep your eyes open and look for new ways, keep testing the field and making new plays. Failure is...
The Bad Character
The writer wrote a character he didn’t like at all. He put him in a corner and then up against a wall. He gave him a dilemma and he forced a bad decision, he wrote him with a flaw that made him say things with derision. The character would spit and cuss and treat the...
The Earth Has A Tilt
The Earth has a tilt; a remarkable thing, without it we wouldn't have Summer or Spring. About 23 degrees give or take a small fraction, the change in each season caused by orbital action. As we go 'round the sun I'll illustrate with a clock, the positions of Earth...
The Ones We Want To Be
The sun is coming back again, a new year has begun, let's plan to double our success and make it lots of fun! Skiing, biking, going places, friends and family, a few new faces, lots to do and much to see, let's be the ones we want to be. © 2018 | Story by...
You should be proud of all you do, for little things and big ones, too! Acing tests, athletic might, solving problems, knowing right. You've traveled 'round and tried things out, when stuck you try a different route... and even though you sometimes fail,...
What Are You Afraid Of
"What are you afraid of?" said the girl to her reflection. Is it threat of failure or perhaps social rejection? She stared into the misty eyes that looked right back at her and found in them an answer as their tears began to blur. The answer to her...